Respected Head of Computer Engineering Technology Department
Dr. Ghadeer Ibrahim Madi
About the Department:
The Computer Technology Dep. is one of the modern fields of the Electronic Engineering, particularly in the designing and executing electronic systems, computer panels and maintaining and repairing various electronics defects. The department accepts graduates from scientific branches of secondary schools, industrial schools and technical institute of similar techniques. The duration of study is four years and the language is Electronic English. The graduate will be granted a BSC in Computer Technology Engineering which is equivalent to that granted by the Technical Colleges belong to Technical Education Authority, besides a membership at the Engineering Syndicate which authorizing them to work at the state departments and private sectors
The Vision:
The Department strives to be among the distinguished departments in Iraq with regard its scientific durability through its distinguished education and scientific research, leading to advancing knowledge and serving the community via providing continuous technical support and graduating competent staff.
The Mission:
The Objectives:
Terms of acceptance :
The Graduates:
The Graduates will be granted BSC in Computer Technology Engineering which qualify him to work at all public and private sectors as well as fulfilling the market requirement regarding maintenance, mantling for all computers .
Years of Study and fees:
the study duration at the Department is four years and the cost is 2 million Iraqi Dinars per year